
Frog and Mushroom Keychain Plushes

Created by Peachie Kei

A soft plush frog and mushroom friend along with matching accessories!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Updates - Finish Surveys ASAP!!!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 06:56:54 AM

Hello everyone! 

Just wanted to pop in and let you all know about what's been happening in the world of this project! As of now, the plushes should be starting production soon! I finalized the tag design last night and should be getting some photos soon to give final approval. They were also able to get Mushroom to be a little more vibrant, which is great! Charms should be finishing up in the next few days and then be on the way to me soon thereafter - then things can get moving when it comes to getting them all sorted, quality checked, and on the way to their new homes! Things are all moving smoothly and according to plan! 

There are still a few of you who haven't filled out your BackerKit survey - please fill this out ASAP. I'll be giving everyone a heads up here when surveys will be locking down and you will also receive an email from BackerKit as well just in case you need to update your address. I just finished up my move and I know the struggle. 

For those celebrating Pride Month - I also am running a Pride Month Kickstarter campaign for some cute new pride themed Mushroom Enamel Pins! I would love your support if possible - you can find the campaign here!

Thank you as always for all the support! Much love! 

Peachie Kei

Plushies have been ordered! 80% of surveys completed - please finish ASAP!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jun 09, 2021 at 03:12:02 PM

Exciting stuff has been going on in my life - the plushies have been officially ordered and will be starting production soon! I'll be sharing the updates here and on my instagram (@PeachieKei) and it looks like we will be right on track to ship in July! 

If you haven't done your survey yet, please complete it ASAP so I can have a final count and can lock down those addresses. If you need to change your address, you can do so through your survey link! 

Survey Emails Sent!
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 03, 2021 at 10:51:05 AM

Hi everyone! 

Surveys have now been sent to all backers! Please fill this out as soon as you can so that I can place the order for the friends!

Peachie Kei

IMPORTANT - Smoke Test Sent!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jun 01, 2021 at 12:10:16 PM

Hello everyone!

The funds have made their way to me, and now the fun can begin! The survey smoke test has been sent, meaning some backers will get to fill the survey out just to make sure everything is working according to plan. Then tomorrow everyone will have their survey sent out. Please fill out your survey as soon as you can - that way I can get an accurate count of how many froggies will need to be ordered. You'll also have a chance to order some extra froggies if you would like as well! 

Once production starts, I'll be posting updates on Kickstarter as well as my social media platforms (@PeachieKei everywhere!) so everyone can watch the process proceed. 

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message! 

Peachie Kei

Final Few Days - Almost there!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, May 14, 2021 at 11:57:21 AM

Hi everyone! 

Thank you so much for backing my latest and first plush project! I am so excited for these last final days of the campaign ahead - I am hoping that we make it to our goal - but the prospects are looking not too bad! I just wanted to send an update on how the process will proceed once the campaign finishes.

All shipping charges will be submitted via Backerkit. On Backerkit, you'll be able to add additional plushies if you would like, as well as purchase other items that I have in my store if you so choose. Any additional items purchased will ship with your plush when it arrives, so be aware of that! If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message here on Kickstarter or an email to [email protected] and I'll do my best to help. 

So now the exciting part - production! Once the Kickstarter is complete and cards are charged, it takes 2 weeks for the funds to be processed by Kickstarter and sent my way. These 2 weeks also give you some time in case theres any errors with payment. In the mean time, you will receive your email from Backerkit. PLEASE fill this in as soon as possible so I can get a final count on how many friends I'll need to order. Once I have my number, the plushes will go into production! They are estimated to take about a month to complete, then will be shipped to me. I plan on sharing some updates from the factory in future updates as well. 

Keep an eye out for future updates - hopefully with progress photos! I'll be checking in after the campaign completes as well - let's cross our fingers and please continue to share so we can hit that goal! 

Much Love, 

Peachie Kei